Sunday, February 25, 2024

Potrace with LIVE PREVIEW


Authors: MareroQ
Source code Potrace: Peter Selinger
Source code Live Preview: Tin Tran
Potrace website :
Live Preview (gtk2) according to the idea of Tin Tran
Older version (updated to Ver. 0.7):
Ver. 0.7.- creates a new image (so it has more possibilities than Live Preview).

Creates a scalable SVG image from the active layer with Live Preview. Requires a separate potrace program that must be installed in the Gimp bin directory (for Windows 64bit it is included in the ZIP - for Linux and Mac OS X in Potrace website). The SVG file is saved in your home directory in the "tmp" folder.

Potrace(TM) as a bitmap tracing tool, which means transforming a bitmap into a smooth, scalable image. The input is a bitmap (BMP format) and the output is an SVG file.
The resulting image is not "jagged" like a bitmap, but smooth. It can then be rendered at any resolution.

Mkbitmap is a program distributed with Potrace that can be used to preprocess input data for better tracking of grayscale and color images.


Name SVG file:
If you do not change the name, the file will be overwritten.
For name do not use spaces & special characters.

Suppress speckles of up to this many pixels.
Set the corner threshold parameter. The default value is 1. The smaller this value, the more sharp corners will be produced.
If this parameter is 0, then no smoothing will be performed and the output is a polygon.
If this parameter is greater than 4/3, then all corners are suppressed and the output is completely smooth.

Set the curve optimization tolerance. The default value is 0.2. Larger values allow more consecutive Bezier curve segments to be joined together in a single segment, at the expense of accuracy.

Stroke Path Width:
- when width = 0 then the paths is visible
- when width > 0 the paths are invisible and the path is stroke on a new transparent layer.

In menu: Filters ➤ Edge-Detect ➤ Potrace with Live Preview...

SVG opened in Gimp:
SVG opened in Inkscape:


added select color FG svg visible only when you open a newly created svg file (previously only default = black). The fill color remained transparent by default.

added option - Open SVG file as new image:"None","Many, Individual","One, Merged","Interactive".

- replace transparency (if alpha channel exists) to BG color (on added copy).

Saturday, February 24, 2024

WATER SKETCH 2024 by Diego


It is a new implementation of Watercolour effects.

I've been attracted during my experiments of the look which results from merging sketch and watercolor.

Let me call it "a modern approach to watercolor".

There are no prerequisites, except G'MIC. 

All the effects are obtained by filter steps in the process.  

If the user does not flatten the resulting outcome, (s)he has many possibilities of customizing the result.

All layers concur somehow to the final look, and the user can change opacities and modes at pleasure.

Hints on launching parameters (attached screenshot):

-Sketch amount: it's a major component of the process. Start with default then play at your taste with opacity.

-Posterize: it's a component of the process to flatten a bit the colours of the areas.

-Chroma amount: as the word says, adds a bit of chroma.

-Ageing amount: gives to the outcome a look of an old painting. It's slow and you may omit.

-Border type: choose between flat ant fuzzy border (fuzzy is more typical for watercolors).

-Border amount: expressed as percent of the image.

-C2G amount: -1 lets the filter select randomly among the effects of the gray version of the painting

             any other value is the desired opacity of this layer

+C2G layer mode: 10 different modes (and default opacity) (attached screenshot) 

-Sketch on top %: reinforces the "sketch" look of the outcome.           

                 also here you may use -1 to let the filter choose randomly             opacity and mode 

                 any other value is the desired opacity of this layer 

+Sketch mode: 10 different modes (and default opacity) (attached screenshot)  

-Paper type: choose between flat and grainy

Issabella created a wonderful Slideshow of the best oucomes produced with my WaterSketch filter.

Here is the link:

Click for Slideshow

Enjoy it!

FREE DRAWING 2024 by Diego


 It is a new implementation of Drawing effects.

There are no prerequisites, except G'MIC. 

All the effects are obtained by filter steps in the process.  

If the user does not flatten the resulting outcome, (s)he has many possibilities of customizing the result.

All layers concur somehow to the final look, and the user can change opacities and modes at pleasure.

The 3 main components are:

1. the choice of the contours effect filter

2. the choice of the posterizing effect filter

3. the choice of the sketching effect filter

The combination of these 3 choices creates the "drawing". Hints on launching parameters (attached screenshot):

-Equalize: it is usually better to activate it

-Contours: it's a major component of the process. Start with default then play at your taste with opacity.

-Posterize: it's a component of the process to flatten a bit the colours of the areas.

-Sketch mode: the sketching process generates a layer whose mode can be chosen by the user 

-Original on top: restores optionally to the outcome a part of the original colors (user chooses the mode).

-Border type: choose between flat ant fuzzy border (fuzzy is more typical for watercolors).

-Frame: user chooses to have it or not, if chosen the user can opt among:

        -two different types (flat or fuzzy, for drawing it is preferable the flat mode)

        -two different amounts (in % of the outcome): 8% or 12%  

Friday, February 23, 2024

AutoTrace with LIVE PREVIEW


Authors: MareroQ
Source code autotrace: Martin Weber
Source code (Python-2.7) Lloyd Konneker
Source code Live Preview (gtk2): Tin Tran
 About Autotrace older version:

Reduced the number of parameters - giving up the "Create paths: "Many, Individual" options (this is very slow) and "Path visible?" (the path is visible only when "Stroke Path Width:" = 0)

Simplifying the image to reduced colors and smooth outlines, as in a cartoon or collage.
Creates paths in an image (on outlines or center lines).

It requires a separate program called autotrace. Autotrace is a command line program, freely available on the Internet, with the package name "autotrace" (for Windows 64bit it is included in the ZIP - the latest version of autotrace 0.31.10 does not work with this plug-in).

It works by converting an image into vectors (curves) and then back into pixels (bitmap) and possibly paths (vectors).

The plugin uses an engine (autotrace) that does not handle fonts and line graphics well.

How works:

Saves the current image to a temporary autotrace.bmp file (deleted automatically after rendering).
Invokes auto-tracking of this file to create a temporary SVG file.
Imports a temporary svg file as a new layer.

In menu: Filters ➤ Edge-Detect ➤ Autotrace with Live Preview...

(24-02-2024 corrected typo: ege ➤ edge)

added: procedure pdb.gimp_image_resize_to_layers(image) - useful when layers have different sizes and also the ability to save an svg file under a selected name has been restored (e.g. when you want to saved a file to open in Inkscape).


Ver. 1.2.

- GUI appearance,
-fix bug related to using "Cancel" button when plugin was not used.

Ver. 1.3.
- replace transparency (if alpha channel exists) to BG color (on added copy).

Ver. 1.4.
added Ignore (remove) color option (obviously it doesn't work for centerline).
In the case of a layer with a transparent area, you should also select the appropriate BG Color.


You can submit comments here:
Sorry, the attachment was removed because the new option was very unintuitive.


Thursday, February 15, 2024

Path Copy Rotate Shift with LIVE PREVIEW


Skinnyhouse & MareroQ
Source code Live Preview: Tin Tran

Original plugin and examples:

This plugin is for easy path manipulation.
Provides options for copying, rotating, moving and stroking user path.
It is based on the plugin by Skinnyhouse with added live preview

Added to the original plugin 2 new options:
for Modifier options: Mandala (Rotation=360°:Number of copies)" for Stroke options: "With active brush and foreground color".

The starting path is saved in the tmp directory under the name crs.svg (overwriting the previously used one). Modifier - means an increase in parameter values for each subsequent path.
When Preview=No, you can change the selection of active brush or gradient, FG/BG colors and active layer and path (without the need to restart the plugin).

In menu: Filters ➤ Path ➤ Copy Rotate Shift + LP...

Example for new options:


Ver. 1.0

Ver. 1.1.


added option: "Scaling".

When scaling down, not all parameters are possible (you can't scale down infinitely).
You will recognize an incorrect selection by the existing selection or the highest path (it should be a result called "skinnypath 1" - then you need to change (reduce) the selection of the "Scaling" or "Number of copies" parameters.
Scaling may also require selecting the "X/Y Offset" option.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Apply Selection to Layer with LIVE PREVIEW


Authors:  MareroQ
Code source: Tin Tran
Revision: David Madsen

Older version (Grow-Shrink Live Preview):

Transform a selection and/or layer with Live Preview. Creates a new layer.

In menu: Select ➤ Apply to Layer LP... 

It also allows you to easily crop, scale, move and rotate a layer.

If there is no selection, the entire image will be selected and move = reduce
    if move "+"= reduce from left/bottom,
if move "-" = reduce from right/top,

You can submit comments here:


- added opacity
- if there is no selection, add a crop function on each side.

Designation of directions:
LR = from Left to Right
RL = from Right to Left
TB = from Top to Bottom
BT = from Bottom to Top