Saturday, April 29, 2023

Look At All Modes. Ver 2.0


Author:Diego Nassetti
(MareroQ Update for Gimp-2.10;Changes: added size and transparency adjustment, new layer mode (default), decorating the layer name with a second color [for better visibility on dark and light layers').

A plugin capable of showing effects in montage of almost all layer modes (some modes are not available non interactively), using as input 2 user layers, one above, for which the mode is dynamically changed by the filter, and one below, for which the filter sets the mode to normal.

In menu: Diego ➤ Montageo ➤ "Look At All Modes...

Mode: Legacy

Mode: Default



Author:Diego Nassetti
(MrQ: update for GIMP-2.10, changed location in menu)

Filter to implement shining effects to the source layer.
Produces both a single Outcome and a Montage (original and the 3 outcomes on a quartet).

In menu: Diego ➤ Colours ➤ Shining..

By changing the layer mode:


Wednesday, April 26, 2023

White Balance Stretch Ver.2.1 & 3.0


Author:Diego Nassetti
(MrQ: update for GIMP-2.10, added work on copy, changed location in menu)

Filter to implement the stretching of each colour in the INPUT IMAGE like Gimp interactive Auto White Balance plus a complementary procedure for removing the remaining colour cast to ensure a white balancing effect.
In menu: Diego ➤ Colours ➤ White Balance Stretch2

In menu: Diego ➤ Colours ➤ White Balance Stretch3

MrQ:: addad 'Preview' and 'Custom Strength'.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Buttona Aqua Pro-2


Authors: Denis Bodor, Iccii
(update for Gimp-2.10: Nidhogg, AlSchemist, MrQ)
Aqua Button

Create the logo in aqua pill image
In menu: File ➤ Create ➤ Buttons ➤ Aqua Pro-2 ➤ Aqua Button

Aqua Hrule

Creates a aqua-style button.
In menu: File ➤ Create ➤ Buttons ➤ Aqua Pro-2 ➤ Aqua Hrule

Aqua Round

Creates a aqua-style round button.
In menu: File ➤ Create ➤ Buttons ➤ Aqua Pro-2 ➤ Aqua Round

Aqua Logo in pill

Create logos in aqua pill.
In menu: File ➤ Create ➤ Buttons ➤ Aqua Pro-2 ➤ Aqua Logo in pill 

Buttona Aqua-Beau


Authors: Marcos Pereira, Denis Bodor, Iccii
Aqua Button Text
Create button with text.
In menu: File ➤ Create ➤ Buttons ➤ Aqua Bou ➤ Aqua Button Text...

Aqua Hrule
Create an 'horizontal rule' button.
In menu: File ➤ Create ➤ Buttons ➤ Aqua Bou ➤ Aqua Hrule..

Aqua Plain Board
Create a 'plain board' button.
In menu: File ➤ Create ➤ Buttons ➤ Aqua Bou ➤ Aqua Plain Board..

Aqua Round
Create a round button.
In menu: File ➤ Create ➤ Buttons ➤ Aqua Bou ➤ Aqua Round...

Aqua Rounded Board
Create a 'rounded board' button.
In menu: File ➤ Create ➤ Buttons ➤ Aqua Bou ➤ Aqua Rounded Board...

Buttons B&P

Author: Andrei Roslovtsev
(update for Gimp-2.10: Tin Tran)
Glossy button 01

Create a web button.
In menu: File ➤ Create ➤ Buttons ➤ B&P ➤ Glossy button 01..

.Glossy button 02
(B& + FG-to-Transparent.ggr.)

Create a glossy Web2.0 style button.
In menu: File ➤ Create ➤ Buttons ➤ B&P ➤ Glossy button 02...
For the non-English version of GIMP, install gradient: FG-to-Transparent.

Simple button 01
Create a web button, often seen as [Download] button.
In menu: File ➤ Create ➤ Buttons ➤ B&P ➤ Simple Web button 01..

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Beads Pattern

Beads Pattern (2 plugins) 

Author: Tin Tran [aka: Tin, Tim, Trandoductin]

 Beads Pattern


This plugin will generate a beads/perler pattern for any image of your choice (using any combination of beads from Hama, Nabbi, Perler, Artkal) so that you can use it for your perler projects.

In menu: Filters ➤ Render ➤ Beads ➤ Pattern...

Source image:

 Example Hama Beads:

Example Perler Beads:

Beads Look
( + beads.png)

Look beads (visual only, no pattern or beads info) as well.
In menu: Filters ➤ Render ➤ Beads ➤ Look...

Cross Stitch

 Cross Stitch (5 plugins + DMC.gpl)

 Author: Tin Tran [aka: Tin, Tim, Trandoductin]
(changes:name in register and menu location by MrQ)

With the below plugins, you can generate your own cross-stitch patterns.

Source image:

 Cross Stitch Colors RGB.
In menu: Filters ➤ Render ➤ Cross Stitch ➤ Colors RGB...

 Cross Stitch Colors DMC.
In menu: Filters ➤ Render ➤ Cross Stitch ➤ Colors DMC...
Cross Stitch Colors DMC + txt.
In menu: Filters ➤ Render ➤ Cross Stitch ➤ Colors DMC + txt..

Cross Stitch Look.
( + aida-9.png + stitched-9.png)
In menu: Filters ➤ Render ➤ Cross Stitch ➤ Look...

Set DMC to FG Color

This plugin will allow you to set the foreground color to a color of a DMC thread color based on DMC thread code (an alphnumeric string code defined by DMC thead colors such as 'Ecru', 'Blanc', '315' or '3822')
In menu: Filters ➤ Render ➤ Cross Stitch ➤ Set DMC to FG Color...

DMC cross-stitch palette (gpl)