Saturday, September 23, 2023

Roman Mosaic (GMIC 3.3 recommended and chisel.scm)


Author: Diego

This filter tries to simulate a mosaic in Roman style (browse Internet to have a look).

It was already available years ago and has been updated, with some additions and modifications. 

It makes use of G'MIC, version 3.3 is recommended.

It requires also the script chisel.scm

On the menu the version appears as 1.1.2 (version 1.1.1 was the first posted on GimpChat in 2023). 

The launch panel shows the many personalizing parameters (see attachments).

Colors Framed (requires GMIC)


Author: Diego

It's a filter which exploits the many functions of G'MIC Colors Series:




The most interesting are the metallic looks.

Outcomes are available on Gimpchat, mainly created by Issabella:

- see Forum: Gimp Art   Topic: Outcomes created using filter COLORS FRAMED.

The filter has no prerequisites except obviously G'MIC.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Simple Mosaic (Requires GMIC 3.3)


Author: Diego

(click to see original image)

(click to see original image)

(click to see original image)

(click to see original image)

This filter tries to simulate a mosaic.

As base process it makes use of G'MIC version 3.3 Super-Pixels.

G'MIC 3.3 is required and for that reason the zipped file is suffixed "_33".

On the menu the version appears as 1.1.1 (version 1.1.0 was the original before G'MIC 3.3. 

Tile size, tiles regularity and separator lines are modifiable thu parameters in the panel. 

The basic marble support material is chosen by a set defined in the panel.

There are pre-processing options and post-processing options selectable by the user.


Saturday, September 2, 2023

Black & White Framed (req. GMIC)


Author: Diego

It's a filter which exploits the many functions of G'MIC Black&White Series.
The prelinminary result of the process is a Black&White image, but the user has the option to re-gain colors.
Outcomes are available on Gimpchat, mainly created by Issabella:
- see Forum: Gimp Art   Topic: Outcomes created using filter BLACK&WHITE FRAMED.
The filter has no prerequisites except obviously G'MIC.
In menu: Diego ➤ SimpleFilters ➤ Black_White Framed, version 1.1.0 (initial)

Artistic Framed (req. GMIC)


Author: Diego

 It's a filter which exploits the many functions of G'MIC Artistic Series.

It's somehow a companion of ARTISTIC&DIVIDE filter, but in this case

results never appear "crazy", because the G'MIC Filter used is applied in the best mode required.

Outcomes are available on Gimpchat, mainly created by Issabella:

- see Forum: Gimp Art   Topic: Outcomes created using filter ARTISTICFRAMED.

The filter has no prerequisites except obviously G'MIC.

In menu: Diego ➤ SimpleFilters ➤ Artistic Framed, version 1.1.0 (initial)

Artistic & Divide (req. GMIC)


Author: Diego

 It's a filter which exploits the many functions of G'MIC Artistic Series.

Results may appear often a bit "crazy", because the G'MIC Filter used is applied in DIVIDE_MODE.

Outcomes are available on Gimpchat, mainly created by Issabella:

- see Forum: Gimp Art   Topic: Outcomes created using filter ARTISTIC&DIVIDE.

The filter has no prerequisites except obviously G'MIC.

In menu: Diego ➤ CrazyFilters ➤ Artistic and Divide, version 1.1.0 (initial)

Paths by Colors

 (MrQ Paths by

Authors: MareroQ based on code Tin Tran

Connection of two Tin Tran plugs: and

Creates paths from new layers by extracting indexed colors, from darkest at the top to lightest at the bottom, based on a specified number of colors.

In menu: Filters ➤ Edge-Detect ➤ Paths by Colors...

Similar plugin with option "Simplify" here.

Friday, September 1, 2023

Label Path Points


Author: Rob Antonishen

Text at path points.
Label the points along a path, text is FG colour, outline or circle is BG colour.

In menu: Vectors