Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Picture To Line Art


Author: David Marsden
(Initial release by Tin Tran)

Turns a picture into line art

In menu: Python-Fu ➤ Picture To Line Art...


Add Preview and more control over the result by MareroQ.
The plugin does not conflict with the original version.

In menu: Filters ➤ Artistic ➤ Picture To Line Art P... 

Line Art Framed by Diego

 (DIEGO_SIMPLEFILTERS_LineArtFramed (1.0.1).py)

Author: Diego Nassetti [dinasset]

Comment from the plugin author on GimpChat:
"My new filter LineArtFramed (updated)"

Examples of effects posted on GimpChat:

Creates various artistic effects (19) in color or black and white with the addition of various frames (which increases the dimensions of the image) using G'MIC filters.
Creates a new image from the active layer.

In menu: Diego ➤ SimpleFilters ➤ Line Art Framed v.1.01...


(DIEGO_SIMPLEFILTERS_LineArtFramed 1.01_P.py)

Changes made by MrQ:
Added: 'Preview' that has its requirements (cannot create a new image) and more options for better control over the result.

The plugin does not conflict with the original version.
In menu: Diego ➤ SimpleFilters ➤ Line Art Framed v.1.01P...

If Size background = 0 frame is not added:

If "Scale layer to original size? " = Yes (recommended for Preview control of the added frame) 
the result will be two layers:


- general improvements,
- specific improvements for each maintained style,
- removed the single styles when a double one is available, for instanca Prewitt X is no more available,for those use always the combo style, for instance Prewitt X+Y,
- added a new experimental style, using Isophotes,
- added the possibility to increase the visibility of the black lines (morpho erode),
- added the possibility to choose among different "intensities" of the final result.

In menu: Diego ➤ SimpleFilters ➤ Line Art Framed v.1.2S...
The plugin does not conflict with the old version.


Diego added some Gegl operations.
GEGL operations for 'Preview' work only when the starting image is set to: 
Image ➤ Precision ➤  '8 bit integer' and 'Perceptual gamma (sRGB)'

In menu: Diego ➤ SimpleFilters ➤ Line Art Framed v.1.2S..