Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Render Map Ver.5


Author: Tin Tran [aka: Tin, Tim, Trandoductin]

In menu: Filters ➤ Render ➤ Render Map...

This plugin follows steps described in this tutorial: https://www.cartographersguild.com/showthread.php?t=1142
This plugin will do the ocean, grassland, dirt, and mountains.
This plugin would be great for creating maps for RPG(Role Playing Games).

1. Have an image opened.
2. Create a Black layer with White landmass(es). Name this layer "Land Start".
3. Create a Black layer with White mountain(s) ranges. Name this layer "Mountains Start".
4. You can adjust these layers opacity so that you can see them easier when working with them (The plugin will turn them both into 100 opacity before working with them).
5. Run plugin from Menu location (no gui). 

A simple example

Layers preparation:

 Start plugin (no GUI):



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