Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Lined Paths Rel.5


Author: Tin Tran [aka: Tin, Tim, Trandoductin]

In menu: Filters ➤ Path ➤ Lined Paths...

Thread on GimpCht:

This plug-in will read from 2 paths/vectors and criss-cross between them with number of lines.

1. Open up a new image. Draw a path.
2. Draw another path (has to be on a separate vector/path layer).
3. Run Plug-in (Python-Fu/Lined Paths...). Select Number of lines to draw, size and color.
4. Click OK to run Plug-in and that's it.
5. (Optional) For an example on how to use the plug-in.

Instructions for (use control points option):
1. Open up a new image, draw a path.
2. Draw another path (has to be on a separate vector/path layer).
3. Draw another path, name it 'control 1' to be used as bezier control points for points on first path.
4. Draw another path, name it 'control 2' to be used as bezier control points for points on second path.
5. Run Plug-in (Python-Fu/Lined Paths...). Select number of lines to draw, say Yes to Create Path instead of drawing, Say Yes to use control points.
6. Click OK to run Plug-in and that's it. (see samples for paths created using 'control 1' and 'control 2' below.

For creating paths instead of drawing, if you want to create curved Bezier paths instead of straight lines.
You'll be able to to control curved paths like below basically, in addition to the 2 paths (anywhere below them) create paths named 'control 1' and 'control 2')
I guess to have a good idea of what the curved paths will look like, you could always try to draw one path manually (to be deleted later) and move the control points around to see what kind of curve it produces then move your 'control 1' and 'control 2' to the appropriate locations and then use the script.


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