Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Photoshop Pattern Loader Win_64bit

 Photoshop Pattern Loader Ver.1.2 Win_64bit [ps-pat-load.exe]

Author: Eric Lamarque
Source (2008-11-04) here.

This filter loads patterns of Adobe Photoshop(tm) *.pat format.
The complete set is loaded as a new RGB image, one pattern per layer.
To save layers as patterns you can use save-pat-layers.scm

 Compiled for Gimp-2.10.22 Win10_64bit: MareroQ


  1. Is it okay for you when I offer this file in a Krita Forum? I would like to put it in my cloud because I saw so many GIMP-resources silently fading out of the net into the void. I would like to preserve this file, and will also put a link to this site, so the users can see what the source for this file is and from where I got it, as long as this site exists. Michelist, a user of Krita

    1. I don't see a problem with this as long as the source and author is shown.

    2. The binaries are now available on github at, with a fresh Msys2 Windows build.


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