Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Autosave Ver.04.

 Autosave Ver.04.

 Author: R. Brizard (rob_brz1)
This is one of the very useful plugins (and not everyone knows about).
If you work on an important project for many hours, this plugin is sometimes a godsend for you (when Gimp crashes and it is no longer possible to save the effects of a long work).

In menu Gimp:
File/Auto save...
File/NoUI auto save

The 'noUI_autosave_a' plug-in is a relative of '' (included with) for those who employ most of
the time the same configuration.
You can start it at any time.
It will use automatically a previous 'Laststop config' if available, if not it's 'Default config'.
To verify if it's running and what is the configuration: use 'autosave_a', check if the top line is a warning,
the end of that line indicates if the configuration is one of the presets then you can select it to view and
finally close without touching anything else.
If there is no open image, the first open image will always start the backup countdown and if the choice in
the configuration is Files->Image->"Launching one", it will be the one.
For starting 'noUI_autosave_a' at GIMP start, use the command line:

$ gimp -b '(python-fu-noUI-autosave-a 1)'

It's stop when GIMP stop or if the backup folder is no longer valid, and only one instance is allowed.



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